Version 1.0 of the frame file format was used to generate the atlases that are available on CD-ROM. As the Digital Anatomist for the WWW and it's companion, FrameBuilder grow through their alpha- and beta-testing stages, many new features have been, and will be requested. Since the version 1.0 frame file format was not extensible, we have developed the current version 2.0, which will allow new features, yet provide for backwards compatibility between generations of software releases. Below is the new file format specification.
<directive> := (<directive-name> {<parameter>})The parameters are dependant upon the directive. The following directives are defined:
(IMAGE (TYPE <image-type>) (PATH <image-path>)) (REGION (TYPE <region-type>) (ACTION <region-action>) (ID <region-id>) (COORD-LIST <coord-list>) (CENTER-PT <coordinate>)) (FRAME-INFO (STRING <arbitrary-text>)) (OUTLINE-COLOR (NAME <arbitrary-text>)) (STRING-COLOR (NAME <arbitrary-text>)) (PIN-COLOR (NAME <arbitrary-text>)) <coordinate> := (<number> <number>) <coord-list> := <coordinate>{ <coordinate>} <image-path> := <filename> <image-type> := "PICT" | "GIF" <region-action> := <struct-name> | <filename> <region-id> := <number> <region-type> := "STRUCT" | "CONTROL" | "MOVIE"
This is only directive that is required to show up in frame file. Both of it's parameters are required. TYPE defines what file type the image is, PATH is the traditional reletive path to the image file.
This directive defines an active region on the image. All of it's parameters are required except CENTER-PT. TYPE differentiates the region between being a structural annotation and a control button of some sort. ACTION defines what is to be done when the region is activated. If the region is a "STRUCT", this simply defines the name of the structure. If the region is one of the control types, it specifies the file to be opened or launched. The ID parameter gives the region a numerical identifier that is unique among the other regions specified in the file. COORD-LIST is the list of (x y) coordinates (where (0 0) is the upper left corner of image) that make up the outter boundry of the region. The optional CENTER-PT parameter defines the point in "the middle" of the region that should be used to place the pin in a "pin diagram".
This directive specifies the text blurb to accompany the image. The only parameter, STRING, is required. It defines the double-quote delimited string to use for the frame info field. A possible extension would be to introduce a FILE parameter that could specify a text file to use for this purpose.
This directive specifies the color of the outline of a region when it activated or highlighted. The only parameter, NAME is required. It specifes the name of the color. The name must be a supported color name including YELLOW, WHITE, BLACK, GREEN, RED, BLUE, CYAN, MAGENTA. If no OUTLINE-COLOR direcitve is present in the file, the default value, "YELLOW" is used.
Used similar to OUTLINE-COLOR. Specifies the color of the "string" used in generating Pin Diagrams.
Used similar to OUTLINE-COLOR. Specifies the color of the "pin" used in generating PIn Diagrams.