The first source directory is DA-5.2.x (where x is the current minor release number), which was created when you untarred the distribution file. This directory contains all the source code, documentation, and java classes that are needed to create the necessary cgi programs. When the source is compiled the executables are placed in the bin subdirectory of this directory.
The second source directory is DA-ATLASES. This directory contains the atlas contents that are created by the Framebuilder tool and are accessed by the cgi programs. Each subdirectory within DA-ATLASES constitutes an atlas. DA-ATLASES is separated from DA-5.2.x in order to separate the atlas content from the atlas software. This way, when updates are made to the software the DA-ATLASES directory does not need to change.
Links are used to further simplify the update process. The link DA points to the most recent version of the software. Once this release is installed it will point to DA-5.2.x. Similary, the link, /cgi-bin/DA will point to DA/bin, where cgi-bin is the location of your server's cgi-bin directory.
When a new software update arrives, the installation procedure involves changing a few variables in files in the source code directory, typing `make' to compile the source code, then typing `make install' to install the compiled code. The links are created by this latter command.
Within the DA-5.2.x (DA) directory are the following files and directories
Other directories that may be referenced:
This refers to DA/bin, which should be designated in your httpd virtual machine configuration (see below) to be referred by the URL:
This refers to the directory that is the top level directory visble from the web. The URL that points just to your machine, with no path after it, points to this directory.
When referring to an atlas's directory, this means the directory for a specific atlas, inside DA-ATLASES. For example, if your server has a 'Thorax' atlas, the Thorax atlas's directory would be DA-ATLASES/Thorax.
The above instructions place the DA files within the top level of your web server. It is also possible to place the files in an individual user's home directory, using the public_html mechanism. This will allow more than one running copy of the DA code to placed on the same server. Click here for instructions.
into the DA/src/c
directory. (the one with all the CGI source code files).
Then issue the following commands:
- % make DA_CGI
- % make install
You should now have all the necessary binaries in the necessary directories, with all the correct links. You can test the programs by clicking on "Test Atlas" on the index.html page for this package.
% createAtlas
You will be asked for the name of the atlas, the name of the author, and what his password will be. Then the atlas directory, inside the DA-ATLASES directory, wil be set up for you.
The Test atlas that comes with this package is already setup with name, author and password all set to be "Test".
An (relatively) easy way to allow content authors to upload their images is through the "Upload Script". A link to this can be found on the framebuilder.html page, which is available by clicking "FrameBuilder authoring tool" from the index.html page of this distribution. From this page, you will see a link to upload images. Clicking on this will give you instructions on how to upload images.
Once you are on the FrameBuilder Page, you can begin using FrameBuilder, or you can read the instructions linked from that page. Also from this page are links to the 'update script' and 'upload script'. NOTE that after an editing session, you should run the update script that is linked from this page.
<A HREF="/cgi-bin/DA/PageMaster?atlas:Test+ffpathIndex/Splash^Page+2">
The Text between the ':' in 'atlas:' and the first '+' is the name of the atlas you wish to use (same name as the corresponding atlas directory). The text between the 'h' in 'ffpath' and the '+2' is the path to the desired frame, relative to the specified atlas's root directory. Spaces should be escaped with carets (^). Note that you can link to any frame in the atlas, but it is usual to link initially to the top level frame. The "Retrieve URL for this Page" button on each generated atlas page will show the appropriate URL for that page, which can then be pasted into some other html document, a useful feature when creating tutorials that access only specific atlas pages.
the actualy name of the file would have to
. The movie must have .mov
appended to the name it is called by the frame file. I know this is wierd
but it is a necessary hack that I will *hopefully* fix someday.
. There are two kinds of updates. The GIF update option only needs to be run when a GIF file has been added or modified, or when a
framefile has been added or modified. The navigation table update option only needs to be run when a new framefile has been added to the network of frames, or one of the existing frames' control links has been changed.
Occasionally, you will find that error messages arise from atlas use. A program called
has been designed to help you decipher the error codes. When an
error code arises, all you must do is go to the URL that points to the CGI program
, which should be in your cgi-bin
directory. For example:
You will be given a form into which you are to enter the error code you received. Then, depending upon the situation, a certain amount of information will be given to you about the problem that occurred. Some of them may be simple things like a misspelled frame file name inside a frame file. Some of them may turn out to be program bugs that will need to be fixed in a future release of the software.