Note, as of this writing Framebuilder doesn't work, mostly because Java applets no longer seem to be supported.
FrameBuilder is written in Java, and runs with the help of your web browser. Since FrameBuilder is in it's first release version, this system may seem somewhat fragile. Please remember to be patient.
, and User
. These denote which host machine and
atlas you are logged in to, and as what user. When you first start up
FrameBuilder they are all set to null
. This indicates
that you are currently not logged in to any atlas. Whenever you switch which atlas
you are connected to, this display will update. Any frames edited or created will
be on the indicated host, in the indicated atlas.
denoting that you are not logged
into any atlas. By clicking on the Login...
button, you can
log yourself into an atlas. This is the first thing you must do.
After clicking on the Login...
button, a dialog box will pop up
with a number of text entry fields that must be filled in. The first field
is Host Addr
. In this field you must enter the IP address of the
web server from which your atlas is run.
For example:
. (in some cases, this will
already be entered in for you).
NOTE: For network security reasons, enforced by Java,
this MUST be the same machine that you opened FrameBuilder from.
The second field is Atlas
. Here you must enter the name of the
atlas you wish to work on. In the third field, Login
, you must
enter your registered author's login name. If you don't know what this is,
you must contact your system administrator. The fourth field, Password
, is where you will enter your password that goes along with your
user name. Once all this info has been entered, hit the Login
button at the bottom. If you decide not to follow through with the login,
you can close the login dialog by clicking in the Cancel
If you wish to try Framebuilder on the Test atlas included with this package, the atlas name, login name and password are all "Test", which should therefore be typed in all three fields of the dialog box.
If successful, the Login dialog box will disappear, and the information in the
applet, in the web browser, will be updated to show the correct login status.
If unnsuccessful, an error dialog will appear, with some kind of error message,
then when you hit "OK", both dialogs will disappear, and the login status
will remain as it was before you clicked the Login...
If, at any time during the execution of FrameBuilder, you wish to
connect to a different atlas, all you need to do is hit the Login...
button again, just as you do upon startup.
subdirectory, on the server. This is
done by clicking on the Load Image...
button in the web browser.
This will open a
file open dialog, that allows you to search through the gifs
directory subtree for the current atlas, and select a GIF file to open.
The entries whose names end with a forward slash are directories.
Selecting a directory and clicking on the Open
button will move you into that
directory. To go back up a directory level, hit the Parent Dir.
button. NOTE: You will not be allowed to go 'up' past the
top level of the gifs
directory for the current atlas. To
open a GIF file, select the file you wish to open and then click on the
button. If you change your mind, and decide you do NOT want
to open an image file, hit the Cancel
button, and the open file
dialog box will be closed.
Note that GIF files can either be loaded directly on your server if you have write privileges, or they can be uploaded using the GIF upload script accessed from the framebuilder.html page. With the current state of the software it is much easier to load the files directly.
Once you have opened a GIF file, there may be a slight delay (with no 'please wait' message) before another window is opened, due to the network transfer latency that can sometimes be quite large with color images. Just be patient, and a separate window will pop up containing your image, and a row of 3 buttons across the top.
Load Frame...
button in the
web browser. From there, the process is very similar to that of opening an
image file. File names ending with a forward slash are directories, and to move
back up in the directory heirarchy, click on the Parent Dir.
button.Once a framefile has been opened, there will be even more of a delay before the window is opened than when opening an image file. This is because not only will the image file need to be transfered, but the the framefile will also need to be read. When the window does pop up, it will be the same window you get when opening an image file, with your image in the major portion of the window, but there will also be outlined regions highlighted, if there were any defined in the frame file you opened.
button in a given image window to turn off all of
the automatically displayed outlines, to give you the ability to really test
out your regions. When clicking with the outlines turned off, the region you
click in will still be highlighted. To turn the outlines back on, click on
the Try
button again. NOTE: You can only turn
the outlines off while in browse mode. (And yes we realize that the atlas client itself should be in java - real soon now).
Doing so will close the dialog box and allow you to continue editing the
frames. In the name structure dialog, you may also click on the
Make Link
button. This will allow you to make the current region
a link to another existing frame file, instead of a named region. When you
click on the Make LInk
button, an open file dialog will appear.
This works exactly like the open frame dialog that you get when you click on
the Load Frame...
button in the web browser. When you choose a
framefile, however, instead of opening it, it returns you to the name structure
dialog, and enters the appropriate name into the text field in order to create
the link. Then to accept this link, simply hit the Ok
button. If
you decide that you do not want to keep this region you just drew, hit the
button. This will erase the region you just drew.
Make Link
button as discussed in the pencil tool section.
button on the frame you wish to annotate. This will open a text entry dialog
that will allow you to type the text you desire. Note that carriage returns, tabs
and extra spaces will all be displayed as single spaces.
subtree for the current atlas. To do this, click on the Save Frame...
button in the frame window you want to save. This will open up a dialog
very similar to the open frame dialog. File names ending with a forward slash
are directories. The Up
button takes you up in the directory
heirarchy, as the Parent Dir.
button does in the open frame
dialog. The Open
button moves you into the selected directory. If
you click Open
while a framefile is selected, nothing will happen.
You are not allowed to open framefiles from this dialog. The text field at the
bottom of the dialog box defaults to show the current name of the frame you
are saving. You may change this if you so desire. The New
will enable you to create a new directory within the current directory. When
you hit this button, a dialog box will pop open, prompting you to enter the
name of the new directory. You can either type in a new name and hit Ok
or cancel the operation by hitting the Cancel
When you have entered the desired file name into the text field at the bottom,
and have navigated into the desired directory, you can hit the Save
button to save the frame file to the server. Due to network transfer times,
this may take a few seconds, please be patient. If you decide you do not want
to save the frame, rather you want to discard any editing that has been done,
you can simply click on the Close Frame
button to close the
frame window. This will not save any changes, nor will it warn you of this.